Scholarships & Bursaries

We have a number of Scholarships and Bursaries on offer for bright, ambitious pupils who would like to join Yarm Senior School or Sixth Form.

Our exceptional facilities and team of expert teachers provide the perfect platform for pupils with considerable potential to make the most of the opportunities available and achieve outstanding academic results. We’d like to make our incredible learning environment accessible to all those who will benefit.

Discover more about the range of Scholarships and Bursaries currently on offer at Yarm as well as information on the application process:

Our bursaries

Our means-tested Bursaries are open to pupils joining the First Year (Year 7) in our Senior School or Lower Sixth (Year 12) in our Sixth Form. They are intended to make it possible for promising, academically talented children to receive an independent school education at Yarm, regardless of their financial or domestic circumstances.

Successful applicants will benefit from specialist teaching, small class sizes, unrivalled extra-curricular activities, outstanding facilities and a warm, nurturing environment. All pupils in receipt of a ºÃɫСÒÌ Bursary are expected to commit to their studies and demonstrate active engagement in the extra-curricular opportunities available, making a positive contribution to school life.

What is a Bursary?

A Bursary is a fee reduction to take account of limited parental resources, funded from deposits set aside for this purpose and from the general income of the School.

Yarm’s Bursaries cover a percentage of the pupil’s tuition; as a guide, assistance is given on a sliding scale linked to family income. In some cases, we will also offer financial support for extras such as lunch, school trips and uniform.

On average, almost £500k per annum is spent supporting around 60 children with means-tested Bursaries, which range in value from 100%+ to 20% of the full fee, depending on the family’s financial circumstances

Am I eligible to apply?

Our Bursaries are available for external candidates joining our private Senior School in First Year and Sixth Form in Lower Sixth. We will consider making an award where the total gross family income is less than £55,000 per annum. Savings and assets are also considered when assessing eligibility for a bursary award.

A Bursary application will only be successful if the following range of criteria are met (the School can exercise discretion in exceptional circumstances):

  • The child has met the required academic level in the 11+ entrance test or their GCSE grades
  • It is proven that the family is in need of financial assistance
  • If applications for Bursary support exceed funds available, the final selection will be based on academic ability, as demonstrated by their performance in the entrance assessments (Year 7 (11+)) or their GCSE grades (Lower Sixth)

We do not currently offer any reductions in fees for Prep School pupils.

How do I apply for Bursary at ºÃɫСÒÌ?

Parents wishing to understand more about Bursaries should refer to the ; a copy is also available by request via Mrs Herbert (head@ yarmschool.org).

A Bursary application form is available and applications must be submitted to the School as soon as possible and before Wednesday, 11th December 2024 at the latest. Bursary applications which are received later than this are unlikely to be successful as the funds are likely to have been allocated. It is likely that there will be more Bursary applications than there are funds available therefore not all applications will be successful.

All applications are dealt with on the understanding that enquiry will be made as a matter of routine into the financial resources (including assets) of any family making a Bursary application.

All details made in the application are kept confidential. Bursaries are always offered for 12 months at a time. The family is required to provide fresh information about their circumstances for every year that their child attends the School.

Our Scholarships: Senior School (11-16)

As an academically selective school, many of our pupils are high on the national spectrum of academic achievement. We want to recognise gifted and talented children and give them an opportunity to join one of the leading independent schools in the North East by offering a number of academic Scholarships throughout the Senior School and Sixth Form.

Music Scholarship

Music Scholarships are available for pupils on entry at 11+, 13+ or 16+. They must show reasonable, all-round academic ability in the Entrance Assessment and a high standard of achievement on one or more instruments or voice. Pupils may also offer composition at 16+.

All applicants must demonstrate superb musical progress and a high level of involvement in the musical life of the School to retain their Music Scholarship. In addition, the pupil must make sound academic progress and display high standards of behaviour.

How do I apply?

An application form is available from Mrs Jane Herbert on head@yarmschool.org. Please complete this in writing and return it to the School as soon as possible if you would like to be considered. Applications must be received as soon as possible, preferably by Wednesday, 11th December 2024.

A separate music audition will be given during January 2025.

Our Scholarships: Sixth Form (16-18)

Our Sixth Form offers students support both inside and outside of the classroom, preparing them for life beyond school whether that’s in the world of work or higher education.

We believe that ambitious, driven students should benefit from an independent education no matter their domestic circumstances. That’s why we offer four fully funded Sixth Form Scholarships to outstanding students new to the School.

Am I eligible to apply?

Our Sixth Form Scholarships are means-tested and candidates must secure a minimum of eight 7/8/9 grades at GCSE. Joint parental income must also be below £45,000 per annum.

How can I apply for a fully funded Scholarship at Yarm Sixth Form?

If you’re interested in applying, you can request an application form from the School by contacting the Headmaster’s PA, Mrs Jane Herbert, on 01642 786023 or email head@ yarmschool.org.

Application forms must be submitted by Wednesday, 11th December 2024 along with the Supplementary Information Form and a copy of a recent school report. We will then request a reference from the student’s current school.

Candidates for scholarships will be required to sit a special assessment in the subjects to be studied at A Level on the morning of Saturday, 18th January 2025. The performance in these assessments, and information from school reports and references will be used to shortlist applicants who will then be called to an interview with the Headmaster and Head of Sixth Form.

Sixth Form Arkwright Scholarships

As well as offering four of our own fully funded Sixth Form Scholarships, we are one of a limited number of schools that offer the prestigious Arkwright Scholarships. Together with Arkwright, we aim to enable, inspire and nurture future leaders in engineering and technical design.

These Scholarships are tenable for two Sixth Form years. Students must study Maths at A Level and will be asked to demonstrate their plan to study engineering or technical design at degree level. Applications must be made by the end of January in the year the Sixth Form studies are to commence.

Am I eligible to apply?

Arkwright Scholarships are awarded to high-calibre students with the passion and determination to succeed within the Engineering Profession, including computing and technical design. UK and international students currently attending ºÃɫСÒÌ or looking to join our independent Sixth Form from another school can apply.

What is the application process?

There is a five step selection process:

  • Online student application, endorsed by a teacher: all applications must be completed between September – January when the applicant is in Fifth Year (Year 11).
    Aptitude test: the student will be invited to sit a two hour test in February.
  • Interview: successful students will be invited to a 20-minute interview between March – April.
  • Find a suitable sponsor: students who meet the standard will be matched to an appropriate sponsoring organisation between May – September.
  • Award: the Scholarships are awarded in October/November.

For more information about the benefits and requirements of the Arkwright Scholarships, visit the or contact our Head of Design Technology, Mr Spence on dan.spence@yarmschool.org.

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