About Us

About Us

Since ºÃɫСÒÌ’s foundation in 1978 it has become one of the best schools in the North East. Our academic results and facilities are outstanding but we offer so much more than an excellent academic education: we firmly believe in educating for life.

Our ethos

As well as offering pupils the opportunity to reach their academic potential and achieve excellent results in public examinations, we aim to nurture and encourage values that ensure our pupils become adults who will contribute positively to society. We develop the attributes and skills sought by employers and equip pupils for life beyond school. We hone these skills within a caring, friendly and mutually supportive community. Our pastoral care programme also ensures that pupils are known as individuals and supported at each step of their journey through the School.


A pupil’s education should be a broad and varied experience. We encourage pupils to step outside their comfort zone and take risks in a safe and supportive environment, discovering new talents and interests which provide much happiness at school and, critically, develop their self-confidence, problem solving abilities and interpersonal skills. For example, each pupil has timetabled Activity Lessons where they can choose from a wide variety of activities, ranging from calligraphy to watersports.

Sport, Drama and Music all play important roles in school life. PE/Games receive a more generous time allocation than in many schools and our pupils represent the school in fixtures in a wide range of sports. We also organise a number of musical ensembles, groups and performances, all of which pupils can be involved in. From atmospheric shows in smaller venues to major orchestral and choral concerts, there are a multitude of opportunities for the whole School. House Drama competitions give large numbers of pupils the opportunity to tread the boards, and our whole school productions are typically of exceptional quality, playing to large audiences in the .

We also have a very active Outdoor Education department which provides experiences from caving to canoeing, with trips and expeditions near and far. Many pupils undertake the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Scheme, through which they acquire self-reliance, resilience and teamwork whilst learning the importance of service to the community.

Nursery to Sixth Form Education

A ºÃɫСÒÌ education starts at three years of age as pupils enter our Nursery and continues through the Pre-Prep and Prep Schools to the Senior School and the Sixth Form. School life at ºÃɫСÒÌ is varied, exciting, and fast-paced. There is never a dull moment as we embody our ethos of ‘educating for life’. The School has excellent facilities set in an attractive campus on the banks of the River Tees in the heart of the historic town of Yarm. Many of the buildings are modern and were purpose-built and offer an unparalleled environment in which to learn.

Yarm is regularly recognised as the best school in the area and one of the best schools in the North East. The Sunday Times also ranked Yarm second in the North East in its recent (November 2022) and in 2018 the school was awarded North East School of the Year. ºÃɫСÒÌ was also included in the Tatler Schools Guide 2022, recognised as a leading School in the North.

Dr Huw Williams, Headmaster
Mr William Sawyer, Preparatory School Head

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